Santa Claus has noticed that he cannot compete against Amazon, and so he has raised more reindeers over the year. This allows him to deploy multiple flying carriages with presents simultaneously. He decides to create a Genetic Algorithm to solve the Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP), which would allow him to determine the fastest routes to every chimney in town.
GAs belong to the family of evolutionary metaheuristics, which are based on the "survival of the fittest". Each solution is represented by a chromosome, which consists of a sequence of genes that represent a solution to the problem.
GAs operate upon a population of solutions, which are manipulated over several iterations, which are called generations.
Better solutions are progressively identified, as the algorithm pairs parent chromosomes to produce offspring, or applies random mutations on previously generated chromosomes.
There are 5 main steps to the GA process after we initialise the parameters:
When the population has converged (where the offspring are not significantly different to the parents), the algorithm can be terminated.
We will be using Distributed Evolutionary Algorithms in Python (DEAP) library.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns; sns.set()
from sklearn.datasets import make_blobs
import random as rand
%matplotlib inline
plot_size = 15
plot_width = 16
plot_height = 8
params = {'legend.fontsize': 'large',
'figure.figsize': (plot_width,plot_height),
'axes.labelsize': plot_size,
'axes.titlesize': plot_size,
'xtick.labelsize': plot_size*0.75,
'ytick.labelsize': plot_size*0.75,
'axes.titlepad': 25}
We generate the randomised problem instance using the make_blob
function. We assume that the first coordinate in the set is the reindeer deployment location (where the reindeers take off at the start of the operation, and land at after delivering their presents)
Because the reindeers are still young, they can only carry a certain number of presents (vehicle_payload
num_cities = 21
num_clients = num_cities - 1
num_vehicles = 4
vehicle_payload = 7
center_box = (100, 200)
cities_coord, _ = make_blobs(n_samples=num_cities,
random_state = 2)
all_names = [i for i in range(num_cities)]
client_names = [i for i in range(1, num_cities)]
all_coord_dict = {name: coord for name,coord in zip(all_names, cities_coord)}
client_coord_dict = {name: coord for name,coord in zip(client_names, cities_coord[1:])}
plt.scatter(cities_coord[1:, 0], cities_coord[1:, 1], s=plot_size*2, cmap='viridis');
plt.scatter(cities_coord[0, 0], cities_coord[0, 1], s=plot_size*4, cmap='viridis');
We generate the distance matrix between all chimneys and the depot. The optimal routes will seek to minimise the sum of these values.
from scipy.spatial import distance
dist_matrix = distance.cdist(cities_coord, cities_coord, 'euclidean')
As the VRP is quite a complex problem, we will first import the package DEAP and "create" in DEAP the chromosomes 'Individual'
and the fitness objective, set as a minimisation by weights=(-1.0,)
from deap import base, creator, tools
tb = base.Toolbox()
creator.create('Fitness_Func', base.Fitness, weights=(-1.0,))
creator.create('Individual', list, fitness=creator.Fitness_Func)
We now specify the function that will create our population of chromosomes. Each chromosome will consist of two lists:
For example, the following chromosome [1,6,4,5,2,3],[0,1,0,0,1,1] corresponds to the following route:
import copy
def chromo_create(_cities_names):
schedule = copy.deepcopy(_cities_names)
vehicle = list(np.random.randint(num_vehicles, size=(len(schedule))))
chromo = [schedule, vehicle]
return chromo
And proceed to define the functions that will be used to evaluate the chromosomes.
def chromo_eval(_dist_matrix, _chromo):
route_set = [[] for _ in range(num_vehicles)]
for s, v in zip(_chromo[0], _chromo[1]):
dist = 0
for route in route_set:
dist += calc_route_cost(_dist_matrix, route)
return dist,
def get_route(_chromo):
route_set = [[] for _ in range(num_vehicles)]
for s, v in zip(_chromo[0], _chromo[1]):
return route_set
def calc_route_cost(_dist_matrix, _route):
if not _route:
return 0
dist = dist_matrix[_route[-1], 0] + dist_matrix[0, _route[0]]
for p in range(len(_route) - 1):
_i = _route[p]
_j = _route[p + 1]
dist += _dist_matrix[_i][_j]
return dist
Now we must define how we carry out crossover. To swap the first list (the list of chimneys) we employ a partially mapped crossover (PMX) technique. To swap the second list (the list of reindeers) we use a simpler two-point crossover operation.
def crossover(_chromo1, _chromo2):
cuts = get_chromo_cut()
partial_crossover(_chromo1[0], _chromo2[0], cuts)
cuts1 = get_chromo_cut()
cuts2 = get_chromo_cut(cuts1[2])
swap_genes(_chromo1[1], _chromo2[1], cuts1, cuts2)
def partial_crossover(_chromo1, _chromo2, cuts):
size = len(_chromo1)
p1, p2 = [0] * size, [0] * size
for i in range(size):
p1[_chromo1[i] - 1] = i
p2[_chromo2[i] - 1] = i
for i in range(cuts[0], cuts[1]):
temp1 = _chromo1[i] - 1
temp2 = _chromo2[i] - 1
_chromo1[i], _chromo1[p1[temp2]] = temp2 + 1, temp1 + 1
_chromo2[i], _chromo2[p2[temp1]] = temp1 + 1, temp2 + 1
p1[temp1], p1[temp2] = p1[temp2], p1[temp1]
p2[temp1], p2[temp2] = p2[temp2], p2[temp1]
def get_chromo_cut(cut_range=None, mutation=False):
if mutation:
randrange = num_clients
randrange = num_clients + 1
if cut_range is None:
cut1 = rand.randrange(randrange)
cut2 = rand.randrange(randrange)
if cut1 > cut2:
tmp = cut2
cut2 = cut1
cut1 = tmp
cut_range = cut2 - cut1
cut1 = rand.randrange(num_clients + 1 - cut_range)
cut2 = cut1 + cut_range
return cut1, cut2, cut_range
def swap_genes(chrom1, chrom2, cuts1, cuts2):
tmp = chrom1[cuts1[0]:cuts1[1]]
chrom1[cuts1[0]:cuts1[1]] = chrom2[cuts2[0]:cuts2[1]]
chrom2[cuts2[0]:cuts2[1]] = tmp
The final step is mutation, which adds some randomisation to the results so we don't lose genetic diversity in our sample. We have two operations: we either swap genes place within the same solution, or we shuffle any of the lists.
def mutation(_chromo):
if np.random.rand() < 0.5:
def swap_gene(_chromo):
cuts = get_chromo_cut(mutation=True)
if np.random.rand() < 0.5:
tmp = _chromo[0][cuts[0]]
_chromo[0][cuts[0]] = _chromo[0][cuts[1]]
_chromo[0][cuts[1]] = tmp
tmp = _chromo[1][cuts[0]]
_chromo[1][cuts[0]] = _chromo[1][cuts[1]]
_chromo[1][cuts[1]] = tmp
def shuffle_gene(_chromo):
cuts = get_chromo_cut(mutation=True)
if np.random.rand() < 0.5:
tmp = _chromo[0][cuts[0]:cuts[1]]
_chromo[0][cuts[0]:cuts[1]] = tmp
tmp = _chromo[1][cuts[0]:cuts[1]]
_chromo[1][cuts[0]:cuts[1]] = tmp
Finally, as Santa's reindeers can only hold a maximum payload of vehicle_payload
, we must check that all our solutions are feasible. A feasibility check is carried out that moves presents to other available
def feasibility(_chromo):
excess_payload = [vehicle_payload - _chromo[1].count(i) for i in range(num_vehicles)]
_vehicle_id = [i for i in range(num_vehicles)]
while any(_p < 0 for _p in excess_payload):
v_id = next(i for i,_p in enumerate(excess_payload) if _p < 0)
available_vehicles = [i for i,e in enumerate(excess_payload) if e > 0]
if len(available_vehicles) == 0:
raise('INFEASIBLE SOLUTION: No available vehicle to accept excess cargo. Increase the number of vehicles or the vehcile payload')
idx = [i for i, x in enumerate(_chromo[1]) if x == v_id]
to_vehicle = rand.choice(available_vehicles)
idx_to_move = rand.choice(idx)
_chromo[1][idx_to_move] = to_vehicle
excess_payload[v_id] += 1
excess_payload[to_vehicle] -= 1
We register the functions that we have carried out to the DEAP Toolbox. See how for 'population'
, 'individual'
, and 'select'
we use DEAP-specific functions, but for the remaining ones we use the ones defined in the previous cells.
tb.register('indexes', chromo_create, client_names)
tb.register('individual', tools.initIterate, creator.Individual, tb.indexes)
tb.register('population', tools.initRepeat, list, tb.individual)
tb.register('evaluate', chromo_eval, dist_matrix)
tb.register('select', tools.selTournament)
tb.register('mate', crossover)
tb.register('mutate', mutation)
tb.register('feasibility', feasibility)
num_population = 200
num_generations = 1000
prob_crossover = .4
prob_mutation = .6
We can now run the main GA-loop.
Note how we generate the chromosome population using the DEAP function we specified using tb.register
, which will repeat the 'tb.indexes'
function that we linked to our chromo_create
function. Meaning, call chromo_create
as many times as specified by num_population
population = tb.population(n=num_population)
fitness_set = list(, population))
for ind, fit in zip(population, fitness_set): = fit
We finally create the for loop with the remaining stages of the GA.
best_fit_list = []
best_sol_list = []
best_fit = np.Inf
for gen in range(0, num_generations):
if (gen % 50 == 0):
print(f'Generation: {gen:4} | Fitness: {best_fit:.2f}' )
offspring =, len(population), tournsize=3)
offspring = list(map(tb.clone, offspring))
for child1, child2 in zip(offspring[0::2], offspring[1::2]):
if np.random.random() < prob_crossover:
tb.mate(child1, child2)
for chromo in offspring:
if np.random.random() < prob_mutation:
for chromo in offspring:
invalid_ind = [ind for ind in offspring if not]
fitness_set = map(tb.evaluate, invalid_ind)
for ind, fit in zip(invalid_ind, fitness_set): = fit
population[:] = offspring
curr_best_sol = tools.selBest(population, 1)[0]
curr_best_fit =[0]
if curr_best_fit < best_fit:
best_sol = curr_best_sol
best_fit = curr_best_fit
Generation: 0 | Fitness: inf Generation: 50 | Fitness: 665.72 Generation: 100 | Fitness: 622.79 Generation: 150 | Fitness: 580.84 Generation: 200 | Fitness: 580.84 Generation: 250 | Fitness: 578.29 Generation: 300 | Fitness: 574.72 Generation: 350 | Fitness: 574.72 Generation: 400 | Fitness: 574.72 Generation: 450 | Fitness: 566.63 Generation: 500 | Fitness: 555.22 Generation: 550 | Fitness: 555.22 Generation: 600 | Fitness: 555.22 Generation: 650 | Fitness: 552.82 Generation: 700 | Fitness: 540.86 Generation: 750 | Fitness: 540.86 Generation: 800 | Fitness: 540.86 Generation: 850 | Fitness: 540.86 Generation: 900 | Fitness: 540.86 Generation: 950 | Fitness: 530.53
By now we should have a solution, we plot the convergence plot to view how the GA has performed. If the solution hasn't converged (i.e. the optimal value is still decreasing at the end of the algorithm) try increasing the number of generations!
best_routes = get_route(best_sol)
[[], [4, 3, 19, 5, 12, 2], [15, 1, 8, 16, 17, 20, 11], [7, 10, 14, 6, 13, 18, 9]]
Let's plot the final route.
plt.scatter(cities_coord[1:, 0], cities_coord[1:, 1], s=plot_size*2, cmap='viridis');
plt.scatter(cities_coord[0, 0], cities_coord[0, 1], s=plot_size*4, cmap='viridis');
for i, txt in enumerate(all_names):
plt.annotate(txt, (cities_coord[i, 0]+1, cities_coord[i, 1]+1))
for r in best_routes:
route = [0] + r + [0]
for p in range(len(route) - 1):
i = route[p]
j = route[p + 1]
colour = 'black'
cities_coord[j][0] - cities_coord[i][0],
cities_coord[j][1] - cities_coord[i][1],
Looks like a great solution, Christmas is saved thanks to mathematical optimization!